The ongoing project of providing digital access to its collections, which offers researchers and the general public a panorama of Greek social and political history. More than 200,000 pages have been digitised and are accessible on its website ( including archival material, books, newspapers, journals, photographs and posters.
- The journal Archeiotaxio, which reflects its research activities and scholarly interests. Published annually, it has a significant impact on the Greek-speaking academic world.
- A publication program, which includes a series of memoirs from activists and figures of the Greek Left; catalogues and editions relating to its archival collections; co-sponsored editions with academic institutions on issues relating to social history.
- A weekly radio program on themes of Greek social history, which is broadcast on the nationwide radio station Sto Kokkino 105.5.
- Historical walking tours in Athens and Piraeus neighborhoods for the general public, in cooperation with grassroots movements, local community groups and municipal authorities.
- Conferences, workshop meetings and book launches. Along with the National Hellenic Research Foundation and the Panteion University in Athens, it hosts an annual MA seminar for graduate students under the general title ASKI Workshops. It also participates in academic research programs and projects for the digitalization of its archival collections and it hosts an internship program for students from leading Greek universities.