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Browse here: https://askiarchives.eu/

ASKI’s Digital Repository has been enriched, upgraded and is now hosted in a new, easy-to-use and modern digital environment! More than 300,000 digital images in a variety of formats (archival documents, photographs, books, brochures, newspapers-magazines, posters, audio files), covering a wide range of time from the beginning of the 20th century to the post-war period, are fully accessible to the general public. The Digital Repository includes digitized entire archives of institutions such as the Archive of the Central Council of the EPON or series of journals and newspapers such as the anti-Dictatorial Press, Epitheorisi Technis, Politis, Ta Istorika, etc.

The new repository offers archival browsing as well as quick or advanced search capabilities, allowing users to browse through all the material or to refine their search according to their needs by following the navigation instructions. It is an extremely important tool for any interested citizen, researcher or historian, offering easy access to a wealth of material reflecting the social and political history of Greece.



workshop 2015On the 9th and 10th of June 2015 the Labour Movements Archives and Library (ARBARK) organized an extremely interesting workshop on the history of informal sector and the methodological challenges and opportunities. The purpose of the meeting was to create a forum for in depth discussions on methods useful for researching working conditions on the informal sector of the labour market. The discussions did not only touch on the needs of research on these matters within humanities and social sciences, but also addressed the need of a change in approach among memory institutions.