Thursday 18th May | 7.00 p.m.
Venue: Danish Institute at Athens
Organized by the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Athen & the Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI)
· Vangelis Karamanolakis, ASKI, Chairman of the Board of Directors
· Arne Schildberg, FES Athens, Director
· Christos Tsakas, Historian, Jean Monnet Fellow at the European University Institute, Florence
· Christina Koulouri, Professor in Modern and Contemporary History, Rector of Panteion University of Social and Political Sciences, Athens
· Alexander Nützenadel, Professor of Social and Economic History at Humboldt University Berlin
· Mogens Pelt, Danish Institute at Athens, Director

We are proud to announce the launching of the "Makronissos Digital Museum" [English Version]!
From 1947 until 1961 the island of Makronissos was used as a space of confinement and exile for over 40.000 Greek citizens who were discriminated by the anti-communist State for their political beliefs.
The ASKI Digital Museum offers a unique insight in the exile experience illustrating the everyday conditions, the politics of repression, and the traumatic legacies of this important chapter in the lenghty history of state-organized persecution.
The completion of the "Makronissos Digital Museum" [English Version]" was made possible by the generous support of the Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung-Office in Athens.
by Vangelis Karamanolakis, Tasos Sakellaropoulos, Kostis Karpozilos, and Katerina Labrinou
Watch the video from the historical walk by clicking here
Collective walk through the city of Athens, a collaboration of Documenta 14 & the Contemporary Social History Archives (ASKI), exploring the historical traces of oppression, violence, and the quest for freedom during the military dictatorship of 1967–74.
Tour in Greek
Starting point: 5:45 pm at Polytechnion by the Tositsa Street entrance
Ending point: Parko Eleftherias
The Greek tour is conducted by Vangelis Karamanolakis (historian, University of Athens) and Tasos Sakellaropoulos (historian, head of the Historical Archives, Benaki Museum, Athens)
Tour in English
Starting point: 6:15 pm at Polytechnion by the Tositsa Street entrance
Ending point: Parko Eleftherias
The English tour is conducted by Kostis Karpozilos (historian, director of the Contemporary Social History Archives–ASKI, Athens).